Writing Resignation letter in Germany – Incl. EN & DE Template [2025]
An official document declaring that you are willing to leave a specific position you are working on in a company or organization, which has hired you, is a resignation letter. The letter is not only ethically important, but has a great impact on the future of your career. If you are having a job in Germany and for some reason, you want to quit, then you must know the aesthetics and requirements of the procedure. You cannot just leave the workplace saying to your boss, ‘I QUIT’. It’s Germany, and like all other strict job rules, there are some rules you have to follow for your resignation process.
Are you about to leave your current job role in Germany? If that is the case, then you must know how to make it legal and what are the things that you must include while writing your German resignation letter, as it is essential.
Also, in this guide, we will make sure to provide you with a handful of knowledge that is necessary in order to write and submit a resignation letter and make it legal. This guide will also provide you with some samples, and you can draft and edit these for your convenience. As per the German law, it is obligatory to submit a resignation letter, so this is important in case you have decided to proceed further with resignation.
Need Information on Unemployment Benefits?
Check out our detailed article on Unemployment Benefits (Arbeitslosengeld) in Germany.
Importance of Resignation Letter
The resignation process is itself tiring, and complex and has some emotional touch, but it is recommended to follow the requirement of the resignation process in Germany, as it is equally undeniably important. The resignation letter depicts your positive and respectful relationship with your workspace and boss. This is really helpful for creating a good image in your next workplace.
The resignation letter in Germany is an officially written document, you submit to your boss, informing your leave. After submitting it, you may have to spend some notice period, following your company’s guidelines, during which your employer company can start the process to hire someone else to replace you, so the workflow of the company would not be disturbed.
Through a resignation letter, you can acknowledge the things and experiences; you have gained while working in that company. You can add some sentences thanking your boss for his kind gestures and expressing your gratitude for what you have learned while working there.
A resignation letter could be required by your next hiring companies, you are going to work with. If you are applying for another job, it is possible that your interviewer will ask for a copy of the official resignation letter you have submitted to the previous company in Germany. A positive and constructive resignation letter can build your profile more impactful by showing your reputation and behavior at your previous workplace.
Basic Elements of a Resignation Letter
- Your contact information
- Date
- Salutation and compliments
- Reason for leaving the job
- Notice period
- Offering an assistance(optional)
- Reference and recommendation request
How To Write a Formal German Resignation Letter
In Germany, you may experience strict rules once employed. It’s not easy to quit a job anywhere and can also be unpleasant at times.
In order to quit a job at a German company it is necessary to have a resignation letter, and in case you don’t have it, your termination might not be considered as valid.
In Germany, verbal communication regarding termination isn’t considered legal or valid. The resignation must be printed on a paper in written form and should also have signatures.
On the other hand, it is not so necessary that the resignation letter should include the reason behind the resignation. But, for a resignation without a notice you may require that also. To be on the safe side you should ask for the confirmation but it is not necessary for the employer to acknowledge the resignation.
As for the language of the resignation letter, it should be in the language which is mostly used at work and for communication within the company. A generic rule for the resignation letter is: it is better to be precise and short while writing a resignation, and there is no need to increase the length in order to provide explanation for the reason of leaving.
So, it is better if you stick to the matter and be precise about the resignation. Be direct, professional, and make sure to add up all the ingredients that are necessary for a perfect resignation letter.
🔶 Download: Resignation Letter Word Template [ English \& German ]
What Not to Include in the Resignation Letter
In order to write a perfect resignation letter in Germany, it is always important to include the essential items and also it is important to avoid certain things. The following should not be included:
- An explanation about the reason for leaving
- Details of the future plans you have
- Avoid talking about the cons of working in the company and about what your coworkers do in the company
- Do not submit the letter without proofreading as there can be spelling errors
- Do not write a lengthy resignation letter and the letter should be a one-pager.
Considerations While Writing Your Resignation Letter
Personal Details
The option to provide the personal information in a resignation letter in Germany on left or right depends upon you and both will be valid. Personal details include:
- Name: Your resignation letter in Germany must have your name properly and clearly written.
- Employment Number or Employee Number: You should include your employment number issued by the company to avoid any similar name incident.
- Contact Information: You should include your email address, active contact number, and address where you could receive an official mail or letter. Adding proper contact information is crucial. Your mailing address and contact information are required to be recorded in the company. There is a chance that your ex-employer could contact you to send some documents or invitations in the future.
- Date: Mentioning the date on your resignation letter is important. It is a record that when you did submit your resignation letter to your supervisor.
Information of the Company
Information about the company has to be left-aligned and the information of the recipient will be visible from within envelop, if you are using a window envelop.
- Name of the company
- Contact person in the company
- Company’s address
- Company’s postal code, City
Subject line of the Resignation Letter
It is always better to be on the point and clear about what you are writing. The subject line must include the word “termination” and it will clear out the context of the letter. Also, it is optional for you to add your employment ID and end date as well. To add the end date, make sure you rightly calculate your notice period according to the employment contract. For Example:
Termination of my work contract on DD.MM.YYYY
Kundigung/Auflösung meines Arbeitsvertrages zum DD.MM.YYYY
Ask for the Employment Certificate (Arbeitszeugniss)
It is very important to request for this certificate whenever you leave a job in Germany. Employees have every right to get this certificate along with the reference from employer. So, make a request for employment certificate in the resignation letter as well.
This certificate plays and important role in order to get new jobs as well. Arbeitszeugniss provides a proof of working in the company at stated position and is also an employer’s reference or assessment of the employee’s work within the company.
Make a Request for Work Reference
It is a mandatory obligation for an employer to provide work reference to the employee once the employment contract has ended. But it is always better to request this in your termination letter as well. As you know, we are in Germany, so this might take a few weeks to deliver.
What is Urlaubsbescheinigung
There is also one other certificate which is optional to request, but sometimes it is also required by the new employers. Holiday Certificate “Urlaubsbescheinigung” has the information about how many vacation days you have consumed in current calendar year. This might be of use for a new employer in order to calculate your vacation days and to avoid double vacation time.
Setting the Margins Right
Writing the resignation letter in Germany with the standard margins is also important. Standard German Letter paper aka DIN 5008 format follows margins of DIN A4.
- Top margin: 4.5 cm
- Bottom margin: 2.5 cm
- Right margin: 2.0 cm
- Left margin: 2.5 cm
Please take a note that following these standards will always add better value to the resignation letter and in case you are not following these standards your resignation will not be considered as invalid.
Language and Content of Resignation Letter in Germany
The question arises about the language in which the resignation letter should be documented. The answer is, you should write your resignation letter in the language commonly used in your workplace in Germany.
Your resignation letter should be precise, without any fluff and to the point. No one recommends adding unnecessary details and content to it. Officially written resignation letters should not be lengthy. Germans are direct; so your resignation letter in Germany should be a one-pager without any extra content.
Add a Salutation
Now your A1 course comes into play, as this is a formal letter, so it is important to add a formal greeting to it as well. For male, you should use: “Sehr geehrter Herr” and for females you should use: “Sehr geehrte Frau”. If you don’t know the person then you can write “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren” but usually, you give it to your supervisor or someone with the authority.
Closing with your name and Signature
In a formal document, it is better to close with an official German closing.
You can also include a thanking note at the end of your resignation letter for your employer. However, it’s optional. For example:
Kind regards,
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
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Resignation Letter English Template
Dear Mr. Müller / Dear Ms. Müller,
I am writing to inform you that I would like to resign from my current position as YOUR DESIGNATION and I hereby inform you to terminate my existing employment contract with COMPANY XYZ AG, at Aug 16, 2022.
Kindly confirm the receipt of this resignation letter and the termination date of the employment relationship in writing.
During my time at COMPANY XYZ AG, I have learned a lot and grown professionally. Thank you for all of your guidance and support during my employment. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about the projects, that II have been working on. I am happy to help in any way I can during my notice period.
Moreover, I would also like to request for a reference letter certificate and a holiday certificate. Please send these certificates to the above-mentioned address.
I wish you all the best for your continued success.
Kind regards,
Resignation Letter German Template
Sehr geehrter Herr Müller / Sehr geehrte Frau Müller,
Hiermit teile ich Ihnen mit, dass ich meine derzeitige Position als IHRE STELLE aufgeben möchte und kündige hiermit meinen bestehenden Arbeitsvertrag mit der Firma XYZ AG am Aug 16, 2022.
Wir bitten Sie, den Erhalt dieses Kündigungsschreibens und das Datum der Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses schriftlich zu bestätigen.
Während meiner Zeit bei der COMPANY XYZ AG habe ich viel gelernt und bin beruflich gewachsen. Ich danke Ihnen für all Ihre Unterstützung während meiner Anstellung. Bitte zögern Sie nicht, mich bei Fragen zu den Projekten, an denen ich gearbeitet habe, zu kontaktieren. Ich freue mich, Ihnen während meiner Kündigungsfrist auf jede Weise helfen zu können.
Außerdem möchte ich ein Arbeitszeugnis und eine Urlaubsbescheinigung beantragen. Bitte senden Sie diese Bescheinigungen an die oben genannte Adresse.
Ich wünsche Ihnen alles Gute für Ihren weiteren Erfolg.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Deadlines for Submitting your Resignation Letter in Germany
In order to quit a job in Germany, the notice for quitting a job must be given on the 15*th* or at the end of the month.
For example: If the notice period ends at the 30th of September, employer should receive the resignation letter 28 days before that, i.e., September 2. If you are quitting the job in a month which has 31 days, then the letter must reach the employer by 3 day of that month.
Submission of the Resignation letter
In order to submit the resignation letter, it can be done in person or also can be sent via post as well. Make sure to send it as soon as possible as it will be only counted from the date your employer receives it if you are sending through mail.
Also, you can take two prints of the resignation letter as well. First one needs to be submitted to the supervisor or employer. The second print which is always optional can be for yourself. You can get it signed by the employer and keep it with you to be on the safe side.
It is important to send it on time because if the official deadline has been passed, you might get to continue work for another month. So, take this into consideration as well.
How to Avoid Dispute with your Employer?
It is always a better option to not get involved in a dispute with the employer. Although legal insurance can benefit every employee in Germany if they are in a dispute with a lawyer or disputes related to the employment law. With a nominal price starting from €17 per month, you can avoid paying huge amounts to the lawyers if you are in a dispute at work through legal insurance. Legal insurance can always turn out to be helpful if you are having to issue termination of your job contract.
Searching for the Best Dental Insurance?
Check out our detailed article on Best Dental Insurance in Germany.
Tip for Writing Your Resignation Letter
Always Proofread before Submitting
Never ever forget to proofread any official document before submitting it. This same goes for your resignation letter in Germany. Try reading it at least two times before submitting it. There can be spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or some missing or unrequited extra details you want to edit.
Two Official Copies of Your Resignation Letter
It is advised to have two printouts of your resignation letters; both are officially signed or stamped by hand. The first one is to be submitted to your employer company, and the second should be kept safe with you as an official proof of your resignation and termination of the contract.
Seek Legal Advice
If there are some complications and unknown possibilities related to your job resignation, never take a risk and seek legal advice to avoid any unfavorable outcome.
Notice Period
“Kundigung” referred to as “termination” is one of the most important sections of the employment contract, and you must read it to know the notice period. In order to write a correct resignation letter, you will have to go through the notice period section in detail.
When your employer receives your termination letter, after that your notice period starts to count. In order to end on the good term, it is always better to hand over resignation letter in person to the employer when you get the opportunity to do so.
If that is not the case, then the resignation should be sent through post. In order to be sure when your employer has received the resignation letter you have sent, it is better to send the letter with tracking to know the date when your employer has received the letter. We recommend posting it using Einschreiben post, this way you will know if your employer gets the resignation letter.
It is always a better option if you leave on the good terms with your employer. Also, before posting a resignation letter, it is better to schedule a meeting or call with your supervisor.
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Dissolving your Work Contract (Auflösung des Arbeitsvertrags)
“Aüflösung” referred to as “dissolving” which means you can also dissolve your contract without taking in account the notice period mentioned in your contract. In Some Tariff contracts, like TVÖD, you can also dissolve your contract before your notice period. For this, you need the approval of your supervisor. For example, in some cases notice period is 9 months to 1 year but if some employee wants to go beforehand then it is possible with the dissolving of your work contract. In German, it is called “Aufhebungsvertrag” or “Auflösung des Arbeitsvertrages”, in this case, you don’t write Kündigung but “Aufhebungsvertrag” in the subject of your termination.
What to Do After Submitting Resignation Letter in Germany
After submitting your resignation letter in Germany, you should spend your notice period and continue your work at the office in the same normal and motivated behavior as you do, before submitting your resignation letter. Do not show a lack of interest in work. It can create a bad impact on your profile. There is the possibility that the new employer, you are going to work with, could call your previous company to get an idea about your working behavior, before hiring you. Being professional and available till your last working day is highly recommended to maintain a good profile.
Wrapping Up
A proper, official, and respectfully written resignation letter not only manifests your professionality but also helps you create a memorable image in the eyes of your employer. You could write a reputable and professional resignation letter, by following the discussed guideline.
🔶 Download: Resignation Letter Word Template [ English \& German ]

Jibran Shahid
Hi, I am Jibran, your fellow expat living in Germany since 2014. With over 10 years of personal and professional experience navigating life as a foreigner, I am dedicated to providing well-researched and practical guides to help you settle and thrive in Germany. Whether you are looking for advice on bureaucracy, accommodation, jobs, or cultural integration, I have got you covered with tips and insights tailored specifically for expats. Join me on my journey as I share valuable information to make your life in Germany easier and more enjoyable.