How to Find English-Speaking Jobs in Germany [2025] - Live In Germany
Many people have this concern that, whether it is possible to find an English-speaking job in Germany or not. The answer is YES. But, finding an English-speaking job surely depends on your field, your skillset, and your professional training, if they are in demand or not. Obviously, the majority of the jobs that are available do require the candidate to speak German, but also there are opportunities that are based on how good your English speaking skills are.
Apart from some specific job roles, the German language is a must to get equipped as it is the need of the market. For example, if your type of profession requires too much contact with German customers, then fluent German is a must. In another case, suppose you work as an Electrical engineer but you mostly coordinate electrical technicians then you probably need fluent German because usually, people on the technician level do not speak German.
If you are from these kinds of professions then finding an English job could be tough but it is surely not impossible. We have written this detailed guide, so you can find it Jobs in Germany in your field.
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Check out our detailed article on Top Recruitment Agencies in Germany.
Does All Profession in Germany require Fluent German?
The answer is No, We know that there is a lot of competition when it comes to management job roles such as HR, Digital marketing or sales. But if you are from a profession like Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). In these professions, the market is still quite open. As these jobs don’t require that much interaction with German clients that’s why you can easily land a job where you don’t need German.
How Many English Jobs Are Available in Germany?
Though it’s challenging to get an English-speaking job in Germany, the extracted facts below conclude that it is still very much possible. Data collected from the German Federal Employment Agency in 2018 suggests that around 12% of people employed in Germany are ex-pats. You may find a hundred listings for English jobs but for them too both English and German language is required.
Some facts about language are extracted from a survey held in 2018, where indeed interviewed around 2000 employees were. Findings suggest that in German offices after the German language, English is the most used language along with French and Russian also. 47% of employees use a language other than German to communicate with International colleagues. 27% agreed that English is used in office meetings also.
Additionally, big cities like Berlin, Munich etc. also have more English jobs. A study suggests that most ads of English speaking jobs are from Berlin which is 14%. Munich and Frankfurt also have most job ads in English with 11% for both.
In 2019, 31,000 Blue cards were issued by the German Federal Office of Migration and Refugees. This card provides residence permits to highly skilled workers from non-European countries. So, it can be assumed that in 2019, 31,000 highly skilled individuals entered Germany.
What is the Job Market Share of Germany in Europe?
As the fifth-largest economy in the world and the biggest in Europe, Germany provides a large number of jobs for skilled and non-skilled workers. Though English jobs are available, speaking German to a minimum level is also required. Comparing this market to European Union, Germany as of May 2020 holds the lowest unemployment rate at 3.9%. Even in southern parts, the unemployment rate is even lower.
Germany has got some big company names which are global, especially in the automotive sector. Companies like Volkswagen, BMW, and Daimler are all based in Germany. Siemens, Bosch and Deutsche Telekom are some of the other big names from Germany. Apart from this, 90% of businesses are SMEs. Altogether SMEs offer 90% of the jobs available in the market.
Salaries, Job Vacancies and Work Culture in Germany
As we speak, Germany has a low level of unemployment. In comparison with other European countries, Germany does not get affected by the shortage of skilled workers. Overall Germany does not have a shortage of skilled workers. But, as far as (STEM) and health occupations are concerned the employment requirements are not fulfilled. Moreover, East and South Germany require more workers in these occupations.
As of July 2020, within a year the number of job vacancies dropped by almost 200,000 from 800,000 to 573,000. These job vacancies accumulate both skilled and casual professions such as Hospitality and English learning.
Among EU countries Germany stands at 5th place with a minimum wage of €12 per hour, as of October 2022. This minimum wage is set for each year. Monthly income on average in Germany is €4,021 but this is dependent upon regions, gender and job sector, also as of 2018 the gender pay gap in Germany is 21%.
Germany has strong management within the business culture and hierarchies are valued. Within Germany decisions within a workplace are derived from factual figures and tasks are planned accordingly. Discussions remain outcome-oriented with scheduled and strict agendas, whereas meetings must follow the order to reach compliance and decisions to be finalized.
Just like in any perfect professional environment, German people are very Punctual. Work culture in Germany is based on giving time great value.
Find an English Speaking Job in Germany: 15 Tips That Can Help!
1.) Plan your Strategy
Usually, people keep trying for big companies while trying to find an English-speaking job in Germany. Rather than that, a person needs to be more specific. Many companies have a policy which supports hiring in English, but you are not the only person looking for such an opportunity.
In order to be successful in finding an English-speaking job in Germany, you have to stand out from the competition. You have to be creative and more specific about what everyone else is doing. In order to get that opportunity, you are looking for a strategy that is indeed required. So, filter the opportunities and be a bit more creative throughout the process.
For example, tailor your CV and Cover letter according to the job. If you make a generic CV and Covering letter then your chances of getting invited to the interview will be quite low.
2.) German CV \& Cover Letter is necessary
It is time to bring the change to your CV according to German standards. Bringing this change can surely elevate your chances of getting hired and getting passed through the scrutiny process which is most likely being done by a German too. European hiring managers are used to seeing the same kind of CVs, in this way, they know where they can find what. Germans will surely love it if you add your Picture, DOB, and Hobbies, and also the length should not be longer than 2 pages.
We advise you to not apply for any job application without a CV. Writing a cover letter enhances the way Germans look at a job application. While you write the Cover letter keep your employer in mind and write accordingly. We advise you to write and customize the Cover letter according to the employer.
3.) Applying For Senior Job Roles
Applying for senior job roles is always important. If applying for a senior job role, that too in a multinational company, being fluent in German is not mandatory. As these positions require communication and involvement within multiple countries, so it is not mandatory to have fluency in one particular language.
Whereas in such companies the job role is not restricted to one specific country or local headquarters. On the other hand, language skills are required more at the entry-level where employees need to interact on a daily basis within the company.
4.) German is Not Must For Some Job Roles and Industries
Some job roles are less dependent upon client interaction. Indeed speaking fluent German is not a necessity if you are a software engineer or working as a programmer in an IT-oriented industry. Whereas some job roles depend upon interacting with German clients primarily. Such customer-facing job roles likely in sales or marketing are difficult to handle if the person is not able to communicate in the local language too.
Jobs related to education, charitable organizations or NGOs in Germany at times prefer English-speaking candidates. As such organizations are multicultural in nature, and language is not the top priority if the candidate possesses the required skills.
5.) Big Companies Tend To Have Nore English Speaking jobs
Multinational companies, besides having local headquarters tend to operate in global regions and in most cases English is considered the sole language while communicating across borders. Also, some German big names follow the same work philosophy. So, the chances of being hired by a multinational German company are still high if you possess the required skills. On the other hand, some family-owned mid-sized German companies tend to have fewer English-speaking vacancies at hand.
Experience Counts
Additionally, professional experience can also become a factor that can influence. If you are a professional with some good experience in your career profile, chances are less that fluency in German may affect your job application. Although the situation is quite opposite for fresh graduates who seek English-speaking jobs in Germany. Either they need to apply for entry-level jobs that are based on English-speaking roles or require English skills to deal with the international market, or they possess the required skills that are compulsory for the job vacancy. Otherwise, the market faces great competition and the situation is tough for fresh graduates.
6.) 50% of Your Profile Matches with Job Description, Just Apply for It!
It is not that easy to get your desired job role given the circumstances, that too in Germany where language at times can become a hurdle. For example, for business graduates, at times the job requires just a graduate degree and does not require any specific discipline. So, don’t be so choosy at the start and just apply for the job roles you wish to get employed with. Instead, it is better to apply for every job for which the criteria are being met. This will increase the chances to get employed. Also, it is better to be on job than to stay unemployed.
Switch At The Right Time
Getting a job is necessary. Expert opinion says it is easier to find a job when you are employed rather than being unemployed. Also, the mind works better when you have a job and your expenses are somehow covered. The next step is to switch but, that too at the right time. You may find a job vacancy with the company you are working and this may be the desired job you are looking for. Also, you can start looking for the desired positions outside or in companies that are working in the same domain.
7.) Start German Course in Parallel to Your Job Search
It is more than obvious that, if you are good at speaking German, your chances to get a job will become high. Finding an English-speaking job in Germany is quite a challenge. Why does speaking fluent German increase your chances to get hired? Because, even if your job role does not require speaking fluent Germany as it is in many American-oriented companies, communicating with locals at the job always requires good German language skills. This increases your hiring chances quite drastically.
Looking for the Best Ways to Master German?
Check out our detailed article on Best Apps to Learn German.
To be able to do that, while you are applying for English-speaking jobs, you should invest your time to learn the German language too. It is advised to take classes to learn the German language before your work or study hours as after work or study it may become difficult to focus. The more you learn the language the more benefit it can guarantee in the long run. Moreover, you can always tell in your interview that you are currently learning German and you are motivated and would like to improve your German in future. This shows your motivation towards learning German and towards your new job.
8.) Stay connected at your University campus
Those who are studying in Germany can also get benefit from their university. Professors can provide a lot of help in order to find a job in Germany. With the help of your professor, you can write a reference letter that may benefit you in finding a job. Some professors may have strong connections in companies, or maybe their ex-students have employed a company where there is a vacancy.
In such a case, if you have good terms with your professor, they can recommend you to the company. This recommendation sometime can turn out to be helpful and may increase your chances to get a job.
9.) Strong Network can Help too!
Not just the people you see daily, or the people at your office but, your network is far deeper if you give it a thought. A lot of people do not consider this as a strength that can add benefit but your network can help you a lot. A friend of a friend may know a person that can help you find a job. This is an example of a dormant network, which you may not know exists but is extremely helpful.
Your professors at the campus, university alumni, friends or relatives of your roommate, social media friends or followers or even your German language partner. There is no harm in reaching out to these people in your network. Also, you never know which person in your network has some valuable contacts that can serve your purpose for you. There is no need to just rely upon your CV and start finding people that can help within your network. Your NET WORTH is your network.
10.) Right Places to look in
In order to find a job, searching online is always a good option. Searching online for jobs on reliable websites can be very helpful. Using specific filters can also filter out the best options. You can set filter “English” and all the English-speaking jobs that are available will be filtered out. You can try searching for English-speaking jobs in Germany through these reliable websites which are most popular in Germany
In order to make your chances high, keep your LinkedIn profile up to date and strong. LinkedIn lets you apply directly to jobs and big companies tend to post their jobs on LinkedIn. Xing is also considered a local competitor for LinkedIn. So keeping yourself connected on LinkedIn and also on Xing is really important. Mid-sized companies tend to use Xing as a basic portal whereas, big names or international companies prefer LinkedIn. Most companies hunting for English speakers are usually interested to hire through LinkedIn. So, stay connected and maintain your LinkedIn profile in order to get English-speaking jobs in Germany. This will increase the chances.
11.) Startups are Good for Start Up Your Career
As per the stats shared by German startup Monitor, in 2021 over 33,500 people were employed by startups and the number of startups created was just over 2,000. The government supports and motivates startups and residents local or international are doing the rest of the work. Startups have this culture where the management prefers to have a diversified team, and in order to achieve so, there is a chance that English speakers get a chance too and the primary language is English most of the time.
12.) Bigger the City, Bigger the Chances
Big German cities such as Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and Hamburg have more job vacancies in comparison to other German cities. Munich is considered the mother city for big names, where companies like Apple, Google, Amazon and Microsoft have their offices. Frankfurt is considered the banking Capital whereas, Berlin is the city for most startups and the city that accumulates the most number of job vacancies. Hamburg offers a variety of industries and jobs in renewable energy, aviation and sports are available. Dusseldorf also is home to startups besides that industries like media, telecommunication and fashion are also based there.
13.) Public Job Portals
Most jobs in the labour market in Germany are provided by Federal Employment Agency. It has a large network throughout Germany and over 700 agencies and offices are on board. Information regarding opportunities available and also regarding casual work is available at International Placement Service. You can look for job roles in multiple companies of your interest by posting your profile on the job portal along with your qualification.
14.) Employland \& ImmigrantSpirit
ImmigrantSpirit and Employland are candidate matching services which also help candidates looking for English-speaking jobs in Germany. These services allow individuals to register, create profiles and upload their CVs and cover letter. This process is free and these services ensure the paperwork for immigrants so that they can legally work in Germany. Employland charges a fee when the employment contract is concluded and the employer has to pay the fee. This portal match the CV of the candidate with the best suitable jobs from potential employers.
15.) Facebook \& Twitter
Some German groups on Facebook help ex-pats a lot in terms of finding an English-speaking job in Germany. Most of the positions listed in these groups or the expected job roles from these groups are mostly entry-level. So finding your dream job in these groups is quite difficult. Following groups are the one with the most number of people and yet sometimes turn out to be super helpful: English speaking jobs in Munich, English speaking jobs in Hamburg, English speaking jobs in Berlin, English speaking jobs in Munich, English speaking jobs in Germany, English and International jobs in Frankfurt. Searching relevant tags (#English #jobs etc.) on Twitter can also help increase your chances.
**Podcast on Job Hunting Tips in Germany with @Shaun
Job Hunting Tips in Germany
What we Recommend!
We accept that in Germany, finding an English-speaking job can become challenging at times but, there is always a chance if you are trying in the right direction. As we discussed in the tips, there is a lot that you won’t be doing at the moment in order to get an English-speaking job in Germany and it is time to start and take some initiatives that can benefit you.
As we suggested, do not miss the opportunity to think that why the employer may hire you. Instead, you can always apply and reach out to the employer by communicating whether there is a vacancy for an English speaker too even if the job application is primarily for German speakers. Also, keep in mind that Startups or industries that are less language dependent have high chances to offer you a job in Germany.
If you are residing in Germany and plan to live for the years to follow, we advise you to get keep learning German. Take language classes as it is better to get equipped with good German communication skills. Even if you get hired, keep learning so that it can help you in your day-to-day communication at the workspace, in your local friend circle and in case you may apply for some senior job role where speaking German is a necessity. Local language can benefit you not just in Germany but anywhere you live in the world as the locals tend to trust you and the communication gets easier. We hope that this article has helped you in your journey and we wish you the best of luck in your job hunt.

Jibran Shahid
Hi, I am Jibran, your fellow expat living in Germany since 2014. With over 10 years of personal and professional experience navigating life as a foreigner, I am dedicated to providing well-researched and practical guides to help you settle and thrive in Germany. Whether you are looking for advice on bureaucracy, accommodation, jobs, or cultural integration, I have got you covered with tips and insights tailored specifically for expats. Join me on my journey as I share valuable information to make your life in Germany easier and more enjoyable.